Meet The Owner

Hi, my name is Joyce Wise. I am your credit repair specialist.

In 2015 I was diagnosed with lung cancer. The tumor actually grew out of my lung, wrapped around my pulmonary artery and then stretched down and went into the back of my heart. Pretty wild and scary monster! I had radiation on my lung and on my heart, but the worst part was that they had to go through my esophagus to get to my heart. The radiation burned my esophagus which then made it impossible to eat or drink. It was a rough time for sure, but God and my prayer warriors got me through it!!

Halfway through the chemo and radiation, I ran out of money. The bills had to be let go. The only thing I continued to pay for with the help of family and friends was my car and my insurances (health and car). I eventually got SS, but it paid for current bills, not the ones I let fall behind. So my credit took a hit.

I started researching and learning all about credit and the laws. I learned how to dispute errors on my report, which accounts to open to help build my credit back up, and different tips and tricks to get my score from a 530 up to a 720!! It took time, but it is possible!!

I took courses in 2 credit repair programs in 2019 and 2020, and on April 7, 2021, I launched my own credit repair business, Wise Choice Solutions.

It's been my pleasure to help many friends and family fix their credit and maximize their credit scores. I have helped many clients realize their dreams and reach their credit goals. I would love to help you!!

Joyce Wise

Wise Choice Solutions

221 Ferrell Ave

Ashland, OH 44805


Wise Choice Solutions

Ashland, OH 44805


Copyright 2022 Wise Choice Solutions